Monday, February 13, 2012

Project of the Week: Reupholstering Chairs

I start most of my projects with a bang, and I love it when I chug straight through until I can stand back and look at a job accomplished. But too often a new project propelled by the fervor of actually beginning sputters into a languishing partially-done. Do you have any of those?

So I'm going to make myself accountable. I'm going to leverage the power of (self-inflicted) potential for "public" shame to light a fire under my heinie and finish some of the things I've begun! Alright!

This week, I'm going to re-tackle the reupholstering project I started back in July. I started with gusto, see?

Cutting a continuous bias strip. It was extremely thrilling, seriously. 
Sewing piping onto the ottoman cover.
Bias strip for piping. Just look at that luscious pile.

Don't you think identifying "roadblocks" in order to address them helps get momentum going again? I hope it does. Anyway, I'm going to try.

A few things derailed my progress, among them the giant proportion of setup and cleanup time to actual work time and a move. Now the move is over, and I have a room that I can  temporarily dedicate to finishing the project. 

Bonus: This room is currently a catch-all for boxes that are partially unpacked. Committing to making reupholstering progress means I have to get this room cleaned out.  

"Reupholstering room." Sigh. I better get cracking!
Since this is a project I've already begun, my before shots are of my work-in-progress.

Note the white (old fabric) cushion, the stuffing hanging out, and the pathetic blanket fringe trying to hide it.
Motivation: When I'm done, our two living room armchairs will look as complete as this chunk does.
My favorite part to look at. Seeing slices of what the whole will be helps get me going again.
What unfinished projects are you itching to work on? What project will you commit to this week? Misery loves company. No no no. Birds of a feather flock together. ;)


  1. My project will be assisting my wife so that she finishes her project(s) :)

  2. Oh, girl, you are in plenty of good company when it comes to unfinished projects. Can I just say how bowled over I am by your brave endeavor. Upholstery! And the partially finished project looks fabulous. I have some work for you when you're done! :-)

  3. Where did you learn to do this, shif? What don't you do?
